These are all almost free to use and you can also install them. For example, G Awesome Bot is used to manage polls and communicate. Discord bots are useful, everyone is arranged to achieve a definite role on the server. We can find them everywhere in everything. Installing Discord Botsīots play an important role in many apps used for communications. Hotkeys are different from keyboard shortcuts. If you need to involve yourself in coincident chats, you need to extrude between them. Many proficient users depend on the shortcut of the keyboard. Use of discord keyboard shortcutsĪs you know that discord offers many keyboard shortcuts. You can set up several keys or only one key.įor the setup of key binds, go to the settings, then to key binds choose a record key bind. Using their codes individually you can make a message outstanding. Some markdown tips of writing you should be families with. which means you can format the messages in your own way. There are many applications in it but commonly create a text with the use of a text editor which is plain. It is a markup kind of language created in 2004. The coolest trick of the discord that most people are not familiar with is the support of the app for markdown. Click on the new folder you have created, now you can change its name, color and make other settings. To make a server Folder, Put a server icon on the other server icon. For the users of different dozens of groups, the app becomes easier to use. One can organize a list of servers on the screen’s left side with the use of server folders into the groups. On the request of users discord supported server folders probably in July 2019.
Right-click on the channel name click mute. If you need to turn off the notifications of a choosy channel. If you need to mute the notifications for the whole server, right-click on the icon of the server and select mute. Open the user settings and then go to the notifications. To adjust your notification settings (for example unread badges of the notifications or messages on the desktop). You can adjust yours partially at the user level, the channel level, and the server level. Discord also helps you in controlling your notifications. Controlling the Discord notificationīeing a member of several servers of Discord, your notifications can immediately twine or wind out without any control. To set the integrations of discord on your desktop, go on users setting then to connect and click on the apps. But they provide ways to sync data of the app you are linked to your server directly. The features of each app are different from each other. Only you need to make a connection to reap the benefits.
You can easily use discord by following these tricks: Discord WINDOWS Shortcut Keys: BASIC It has made your work or chats very easy. Today this application is used by every person whether it is a businessman or a player of a game. Tips to use the Discordĭiscord is a leading platform of chat on the web. Discord keyboard shortcuts are very useful or we can say helpful for us. You can do all these things without using or touching the mouse.
You can upload a file, find messages, you can scroll the chat up and down easily within a minute or seconds. You can proceed or pass through channels and garcons using discord. Using the discord on a desktop or a browser will work faster and effectively way, using shortcuts on the keyboard.